

Zout hydrateert de huid en houdt het vocht in de huid vast. Daarnaast heeft zout een ontsmettende functie, waardoor het goed is voor een onzuivere huid. Het beste resultaat bereik je met zeezout maar keukenzout kan evengoed dienen voor deze schoonheidsbehandelingen.

Meng een kopje zout met een kopje olijfolie en eventueel enkele druppels etherische olie. Maak je lichaam nat met warm water en scrub je hele lichaam met het mengsel, je zal op slag een fluweelzachte huid hebben.
Verwijder de dode huidcellen van je handen door ze te masseren met een mengsel van olijfolie, zout en citroensap. Door de blekende werking van de citroen kan je hiermee ook verkleuringen verminderen. Je huid zal zacht en soepel worden en je krijgt er perfect schone nagels van.
(Opmerking: Scrub maximum twee keer per week om huidbeschadigingen te voorkomen.)


Making salt scrubs for different stations at the WdkA. For example Drawing Station, Material Station, Ceramics Station could use a scrub besides soap to intensely clean the skin after working with materials. Make the scrub by re-using products of our school. Salt would be the most important component, but can be combined with multiple ingredients that could be found in the Willem Canteen.

- Coffee grounds is a traditional product that can be used to clean your hands and that neutralises smells.
The coarse particles in coffee grounds work as an exfoliating agent to help remove dirt and dead cells from the skin.

- Lemon juice / peel is very helpful in fighting and preventing skin problems like acne, wrinkles, dark spots and pigmentation. Lemon peel is also rich in antioxidants and thus helps to detoxify our skin. Also, its bleaching effect can be helpful to remove stains and spots.

- Orange juice / peels contain a lot of Vitamin C, which not only combats free radicals that destroy functioning skin cells but also helps add a glowing shine to your skin. Orange peels help to clean out your skin by extracting dirt from deep inside the pores. Also they work as a natural bleach and can help lighten dark blotches and remove them with time.

- Honey / coconut oil / fruit oil: from left over fruit like mandarin, oranges, oil can be made to add a fruity smell and a tropical sense to the scrub.

- Other possible useful components: Banana, apple, avocado...

To do: Look into the Willem Canteen and other stations to see what types of products and material could use a second purpose and would be wasted otherwise, that can be added to our salt scrub.


Candles nowadays are super expensive, especially the ones with aromatic smells. To enlarge the endurance of your candle, salt can be used. After letting the candle burn long enough for a pool of wax to collect around the wick, go ahead and blow out the flame. Then, acting fast, proceed to sprinkle table salt into the liquid wax. If necessary, use a toothpick to ensure that the salt actually mixes into the wax and doesn’t merely sit on the surface. Adding salt serves the same purpose as putting the candle in the freezer—it slows down the rate at which the wax melts, giving you a longer, more economical burn. When you use salt in addition to the freezing method, you’re doing all that can be done to squeeze extra time out of a candle. But it can also be helpful to keep the candle wick trimmed to about a quarter inch in length, because longer wicks tend to hasten burning.

Orange Peels
- The oil in orange peels is very flammable. You could use them as a torch!
De (gedroogde) schilletjes blijven langer branden dan twijgjes, dus ze werken prima als aanmaakblokjes. En het ruikt nog lekker ook. Je kunt ook met het vocht uit verse sinaasappelschillen een strook papier bevochtigen en die drogen.

- With half an orange, you can also reduce bad smells. Just fill up the half of an orange peel with salt, put in a bowl and put it in your fridge for example.


Much like Himalayan salt lamps, salt diffusers are made from pure, food grade, Himalayan salt crystals. When heated, sea salt attracts water vapor (and the mold, bacteria and allergens it carries) to its surface and removes it from the air. By adding a few drops of essential oils and a candle, they offer a nice warm glow, cleanse the air of impurities and diffuse relaxing essential oils at the same time.

Energizing Blend
Combine lemongrass, ylang ylang and orange essential oils to promote energy and make you feel less irritable.

Wellness Blend
Try a combination of lemon and tea tree oils to naturally kill bacteria and help boost immune function.


Salty candles made by a combination of salt and otherwise wasted orange/lemon peels of the Willem Canteen.
By adding an aromatic smell to it, the candles or diffuser could be used to fight the bad smells in for example the downstairs entrance and toilet of the Blaak Building. Also, it adds a calming environment to our study places.

Also, it would be interesting to experiment and create a candle which lasts amazingly long due to the added salt.
Perfect solution for small budget consumers like students.


By Dhyani Parekh , Wynona Bakker & Tamara Damberg
We thought of the following designs. By using a hoolahoop, we create a frame which can hang from the ceiling. On it, we attach curtains, that immediately create an environment on its own, locking out distractions from the surrounding area. Because it creates a very narrow space when just letting the curtains fall, we make use of ropes from the inside out to create a tipi-effect, which should make the space bigger. Then, we can lay pillows on the ground and a stool in a corner, so the person who enters can choose what he's comfortable with. When taking place, the person can choose what kind salty pause he's in need of. (relaxation - refreshing - energising) Based on that choice, the headphones can be put on music and sounds will be played. Also, light will come from the top of the tent and will create tones fitting to the preferred mood. There's a low table on which there's a bowl with water. Then, the chosen scrub can be used to either let the person scrub it's own hands, or let it be done for him. After this relaxing massage, the hands can be washed of in the water and an oil/cream can be applied to finalise the ultimate relaxing pause. After the music stops automatically, the 5-min salty pause is over.

Inspired by our experience of turning salt, we improved our design and came up with a self-turning scrub experience. This installation is made for people who want to have a relaxing, salty pause. By scrubbing the hands with the turning installation, we combine the spiritual element of having a relaxing moment with the use of salt, with our research into trying to turn with salt.